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BioPhysMex 11 Nov, 2022 16:00 hrs

BioPhysMex 11 Nov, 2022 9:00 hrs

BioPhysMex 10 Nov, 2022 16:00 hrs

BioPhysMex 10 Nov, 2022 9:00 hrs

BioPhysMex Black Logo
Mexico City, November 10 - 11, 2022
Mexico City
November 10 - 11, 2022
About BioPhys Mexico City 2022

The BioPhys Mexico City 2022 conference, the fourth in a biennial series, is intended as an international, multidisciplinary scientific forum to discuss the latest developments in biological physics, including experimental, theoretical and computational methods, from a single molecule perspective to complex multi-component environments.

The conference is expected to boost the new paradigm of interdisciplinary approaches converging into specific problems in biological physics. Hence, the conference audience is broad: We aim to attract the attention of biologists as well as biochemists, organic chemists, engineers, computational scientists, physicists, and mathematicians. The venue is highly convenient there are four major Research Universities in Mexico City's metropolitan area, with extensive undergraduate and graduate programs in physics, biology, medicine, engineering and mathematics.
Frontier Science at the Intersection of Physics, Math and Biology
Registration Steps

1. Complete Registration

2. Download Voucher

3. Make the Donative ($800 MXN)

4. Upload Payment Confirmation

* 16% TAX is charged if you need to Bill/Invoice ($800 MXN + $128 MXN)

 Download Payment Voucher
 Upload Payment Confirmation
In the poster session, the best poster will be awarded with $150 USD and a Certificate; The Second and Third ones will be selected for an honorific mention and certificate as well.

It is important that participants that want to be considered for the poster contest have completed their full registration process including the corresponding fee.
